In the west of the Arabian Peninsula
In Mecca
I was born: a safe girl gave (God bless them
Her son
Muhammad ibn Abd Allah, peace be upon him
In the twelfth night of the first spring
The year 571 AD
This is known as the year elephant.
Muhammad peace be upon him an orphan was born, his father had died, while he was still a fetus in his mother's womb, the Abdullah bin Abdul-Muttalib took to the trade in the city
And there he died, and his grandfather took care of him Abdulmutallab, and he called Muhammad, did not name this famous and widespread among Arabs, has taken him to Ms. Halima Saadia fed in
Bani Saad, away from Mecca; Venco forces architecture, eloquent tongue, and saw the good and the pond on his presence among them.
In the desert, and while Muhammad peace be upon him playing with the boys, as it came to him Jibril Allah exalt his mention took him, the construction of all his heart, Fastkrj heart, extracted from leech is luck devil of it, then wash it off in the basin of gold with Zamzam water, then re-heart in its place, the young men hurried to Halima said: that Muhammad had been killed, Fastqubloh a color variable, Anas bin Malik said: I could see the impact sewn in
Chest. Muslim ruler And when Halima Saadia considers it, attributed Muhammad, peace be upon him to his mother safe, was with them take care of him until he was six years old, and after she died, he took him grandfather Abdulmutallab, who still takes care of him since he was born, and when his grandfather died At the age of eight, the era of Bkivalth to his uncle Abu Talib ..
The Messenger of Allah has seen Allah bless him and ungodly war with his uncles, and this is a war Quraysh fought with Kenana against Qais Eilan of Hawazin in defense of the sanctity of the sacred months and the status of the House of God, also saw the curiosity that Quraish received the man of Zabid right, who robbed him Aas Pact Ben Wael sagittal, and this was the alliance in Dar Abdullah bin Jad'aan, which has Quraish agreed to respond to the oppressed
Right, and the impact of these two events in the life of the Prophet, peace be upon him.
Among the people of Quraish honest woman called Khadija Khuwaylid girl, was hired men in the trade, I have heard faithfully Muhammad peace be upon him, sent him out to offer him its trade to the Levant, and give it more given what others, he agreed
Muhammad, peace be upon him, and came out with soft Ghulamha, and a merchant and a profit, and when he returned from trade, Tell soft as his lady Khadija Mohammed, peace be upon him
Of properties, and was a clever woman, betrothed sent Muhammad is God bless
Then came his uncle Abu Talib and his uncle Hamza and Khtabaha of Muhammad, peace be upon him, and he married the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him Khadija, was yes a good wife, she has Nasrth in her life, and has done everything in its power in order to uphold the word of God, has been known Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him him in good masterminding the wisdom and common sense in solving
Problems, Quraish has rebuilt the Kaaba, the one who has disagreed put the Black Stone place, until almost the war between them, and remained on it for days, and suggested that Abu Umayya bin invasive arbitration first to enter the door of the mosque, was the Messenger of Allah
Upon him, he commanded to bring a dress, then is put the stone in the dress, and take every tribe a party of the dress, Verwaoh all, even when he reached the place, and put the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him with his hand noble place, then built it, and was then in the fifth
And thirty years of age.
As brought the age of Muhammad, peace be upon him about forty, you liked him isolation, was to retire in the cave of Hira, worship it, and ponder this vast universe, and one day the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him worship in the cave of Hira, came Jibril, and said to him, : Read .. Mohammed said to him, peace be upon him: I can not read. Jibril Vdmh annexation took him seriously then sent him and said to him: Read. He said: I can not read. Jibril took him again and attached to annexation severe, and said to him: Read. He said: I can not read. Jibril said to him:
{Read the name of your Lord who created. Created man from a clot. Read and your Lord is Most Generous, who taught by the pen. Anthropology did not know what} leeches: 1-5 _ agreed.
The incident was the beginning was the revelation, but the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and he was afraid of what happened to him, and he went to Khadija and asked her to cover, and then told her
What happened, and I reassured him, and told him that God would never waste it, then it went to her cousin paper bin Nawfal, and told him what he saw, Penalty paper as a prophet of this nation, and wished that if live up to support him, but the paper died before the letter, and was interrupted revelation for , grieved the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, then revelation came a second time, he saw the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him Jibril sitting on a chair between the sky and the earth, and he came back quickly to his family, he says: These words, These words (ie Gtony) revealed God as saying : {O Enveloped. Then warn. Magnify the Lord. And purify your clothes. And shun shun _} Amma: 1-5 and then follow the revelation after that steam.
After these signs that I got was the beginning of the message, so he started the Messenger of Allah bless him and calling relatives to Islam, was the first of safe Khadija, his wife, and Abu Bakr, his friend, and Ali ibn Abi Talib cousin, and Zaid bin Haritha his master, and then people follow later in the the introduction of Islam, and Allah has revealed -sobhanh- on His Messenger, peace be upon him saying: {And warn your tribe of kin} _ poets: 214 was a command from God to recite the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him to call, he gathered his relatives more than once, and let them know that the Prophet from God Glorified and Exalted.
And when he had landed the words of God: {Vasda including commanded and introduce the polytheists} Stone: 94 The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and condemns the worship of idols, and what it people of misguidance, and I heard Quraish including the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him said Vokhzthm diet to their idols, which do not harm or benefit, and tried to stand against this new in every way call, went to Abi Talib, and asked him to deliver them to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him was rejected, and they distort the image of the pilgrims for fear that invite them, and they made fun of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and the Koran, and they accuse him of going crazy and lying, but their attempts ended in failure, try some of them written by something like the Qur'aan
But they could not, and they annoy the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his companions most abuse Ki turn them on Islam, with the result that most Muslims hold their religion.
The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him secretly meets with Muslims in Dar
Arqam ibn Abi Arqam teach them matters of religion, then ordered them after a period to migrate to Abyssinia, migrated a number of Muslims to Abyssinia, sending Quraish to Nagaci aggressors, but God Nasr Muslims to infidels; refused Nagaci that delivers Muslims and kept him safe worship God Almighty and tried polytheists bargaining Abi Talib time after time that Muhammad delivers them, but he refused to stand, but with him, they tried to kill the Prophet, peace be upon him, but God that prevented him and save it.
In these difficult times Aslam Hamza and Omar ibn al-Khattab, Vkana prevent and bulwark of Islam, but the idolaters did not stop thinking about the elimination of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, and when Abu Talib aware of this collection of Bani Hashim and Bani Muttalib and agreed that prevent the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him he might get hurt, Banu Hashim and the children of Abdulmutallab Mslmanm and Ccaffrhm he agreed, but the father of flame, it was with the Quraish, It agreed Quraish Muslims County, along with the sons of Hashem and the sons of Abdul-Muttalib, was the siege on the people of Abi Talib three years, not trading with them, do not marry them, nor Ajalssounam not Ichaelmonhm, even some of the wise people, and called the Quraish to pounce paper they wrote, and re relationship with the Bani Hashim and Bani Muttalib, they found termites ate only what the name of God.
And accumulated sorrows later of the death of Abi Talib uncle of the Prophet, peace be upon him and his wife Khadija girl Khuwaylid, has increased the persecution and torture of infidels, and the thought of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him to come out from Mecca to Taif calls people to Islam, but they were evil, Vohanwa blessings of God him and Zaid Ibn Haritha who
Was with him, and during his return God Glorified and Exalted sent him got to some of the jinn listened to the Koran, they believed.
And God wanted -sobhanh- to relieve the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him were Flowers trip, in which imposed a prayer, five prayers a day and night and reassured the same Prophet, peace be upon him this trip, to begin again the call to God, have learned that God is with him will not let him not forget, was the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him out in the pilgrimage season calling people to faith in God and he is the messenger of God, believed in him in the tenth year of prophethood few, and what was the eleventh year of prophecy safest six people from Yathrib all of Khazraj , who are allies of the Jews, and they were heard from the exit of the Prophet the Jews in this time, and they returned to their families, and the news Omaawa them.
They returned the next year they are twelve men, including five who last year attended and pledged allegiance Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and I knew this pledge allegiance first hurdle they returned and sent the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him with them Musab bin Omair to teach them their religion, has Musab bin Omair succeeded resounding success, has been able to call senior city of Aws and Khazraj, even secure a large number of them, and in the thirteenth year of prophecy, came a few Seventy-breath of the people of Yathrib in the pilgrimage season, and met with the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and Bayaoh sell second obstacle, it was agreed to victory Islam and immigration to the city.
He ordered the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him after companions to emigrate to Yathrib, migrated from the amount of Muslims to the city, and stayed Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, Abu Bakr and on some vulnerable who can not migrate, and I heard Quraish migration of Muslims to Yathrib, and I realized that Muhammad is Allah bless him and must migrate, they were assembled in the Seminar House to try to eliminate the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, but God -sobhanh- escape the cunning, and he emigrated and Abu Bakr after making a high place Laird deposits to their owners.
And emigrated Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him is Abu Bakr to the city, and they were received by the people of the city welcoming and chanting, to begin a new stage of the call, a civil phase, after the end stage of Mecca, the city has the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him arrived on Friday (12 March Year 1 H / September 27, the year AD 622), and went down in Bani Najjar, and the work of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him to establish the state of Islam in the city, was the first thing that made that built the mosque, to be a house of worship for Muslims, then brotherhood between immigrants and supporters, as the Apostle wrote God's peace be upon him treaty with the Jews who live in the city.
And began the Messenger of Allah bless him and cared building society internally, in order to be together and defends emerging state, but the polytheists in Mecca did not subside revolution, it has sent to the immigrants they Saotonhm Ki kill them, was to be the defense, sent the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him a number of Saraya, it was intended to identify the roads surrounding the city, and the tract leading to Mecca, holding treaties with neighboring tribes and notice all of the polytheists of Yathrib, Jews and Arabs Badia and Alqrhien that Islam has become strong.
And was one of the most important brigades sent by the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him before the Battle of Badr secret sword sea, and the confidentiality of Rabigh, and confidential Kharrar, and confidential Aloboa, and confidentiality of Palm, and in the month of Shaaban, the second year of Hijra God imposition of fighting the Muslims, came down verses explain to them the importance of jihad against the enemies of Islam, and in these days God is -sobhanh- His Messenger, peace be upon him convert the direction of Jerusalem to
Masjid al-Haram, and this marked the beginning of a new stage in the life of Muslims
Private, public and human.
After the imposition of Jihad against the Muslims, and molested them infidels, it had to be fighting were several military encounters between Muslims and infidels, including: Great Battle of Badr in the second Hijri year, and was Quraish had gone out large commercial convoy led by Abu Sufyan ibn Harb, was the Messenger of Allah came out God bless him and in three hundred and a dozen men to intentionally this convoy, but Abu Sufyan was sensitive to the news sent a man to Quraysh teaches them what had happened, then he succeeded then in the drop Balaar and trade, and prepared Quraish out, went out a thousand and three hundred men, and sent Abu Sufyan to Quraish that he had escaped Balaar, but the father insisted on fighting ignorance, and he came back and they were flower children of three hundred men, and headed polytheists hand Badr, the Muslims and their predecessors have it after the polls and explorations.
War began duel between men of the idolaters and the men of immigrants, the polytheists were killed, and the battle began, and wrote God Glorified and Exalted Muslims where victory and Kfar defeat, Muslims have killed a large number, and captured others, and after the Battle of Badr aware of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him The Bani Salim tribes Gtefan massing troops for the invasion of the city, hurried Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him in two hundred men and attacked them in their own homes, they fled after that left five hundred camel seized by Muslims, and this was the invasion in Shawwal 2 (e) after Badr seven days, and I knew to negotiate with Bani Salim.
Considered Jews in the city Nasr Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him Vagtazawa so, were stirring up unrest, was hardest enmity Kinka, gathered the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him the Jews of the city and advised them and offered them Islam, but they have shown their willingness to fight the Muslims, Vkzm Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him his fury , even men of the children Qaynuqa caused uncover the nakedness of a woman, killed him one of the Muslims, Jews killing Muslims besieged the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him Bani Kinka, then expelled them from the city because of the urgency of Abdullah ibn Abi Bin Salool.
In Hijja Year 2 (e) Abu Sufian came out in the turnoff to the city, O my some walls of the palm, and killed two men, and fled, went Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him in their tracks, but they threw what with them from chattel even managed to accelerate away and I knew this battle to negotiate with Suwaiq, as aware of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him that got to some of the children of alopecia and the warrior gathered want to raid the city, went out to them the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him until he came to the place that had gathered in it, and it was called (The Order) fled Harbin to the heads of the mountains, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and stayed for months, terrorizing the Muslim Bedouins strongly, and this was the invasion in the early zero
Year (3 H).
In Jumada II years (3 e) came out a convoy of Quraish, led by Safwan bin illiteracy and with that the convoy had taken a difficult path is not known, but the news had arrived in the city and went out confidential led by Zaid bin Haritha, seized on the convoy and what they belongings, provided Safwan bin illiteracy and with him, resented
