His name and lineage: Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Abdel-Muttalib ibn Hashim ibn Abd Manaf ibn Qusai bin dogs, and ends Sharif lineage to the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and his mother are safe girl Ms. Wahab bin Abd Manaf. Trophy: Mustafa, the chosen, the beloved ... and has the names mentioned in the Koran, such as: Seal of the Prophets, and the illiterate, and Muzzammil, and Amma, and prognostic, and set out, and decent, and the light, and grace, and mercy, and a servant, and Raouf, and merciful, and the witness, and evangelist, and prognostic , which calls, among others. Prophet peace be upon him and his family was born and handed over on Monday, 17 and was told 12 of the first month of spring in the elephant in Mecca, has his father died in his mother's womb, and his mother died at the age of six years Vkvlh grandfather Abdulmutallab Since eight years old reached grandfather died Vkvlh his uncle Abu Talib and better sponsorship, It was not Evargah at night and during the day, and his family in his travels to Syria for trade, and when he reached the forty-year-old Sharif descended upon the revelation of prophecy and was in the cave of Hira, and the first verse was revealed it: (Read the name of your Lord who created, created man from a clot). And it was told Khadija had ratified it, and told Ali bin Abi Talib (AS) Vsedk him, and took in spreading his call secretly, then announced he became Muslim group of Arabs Fzpthm Quraish and migrated to the city after that the safest group of people, and taking in the publication of the invitation and Harepetth Quraish and the Arabs and won them and open Mecca. Having completed the deployment of its call spread Islam in the Arabian Peninsula passed away God. He had lived (r) sixty-three years, forty of them before they send the message, and twenty-three years of which he spent a prophet, a messenger (13) years in Mecca and 10 years in the city. Morals (r): RPR Prophet Muhammad (p) of morality and noble qualities. He was away from everything Lixin reputation both in his words or his actions, a modest chaste honest faithful even to the dome Quraish Saadiq Secretary. The (r) meek generous and steady brave fuller Arabs edema, patient in dealing with hardship and harm to spread his call. He was not angry with himself for not avenge her, Sviqa many Frequency them to his companions, accept Excuse me from apologized to him, loves the poor and needy and eat with them, eating little, choose hunger satiety consolation for the poor. The (R) sits on the dirt and patched his clothes and his shoes in his hand A_khasv Alkarimh.okan not sit down and not only the remembrance of Allah Almighty. The praise God Almighty, saying the Almighty "and you are creating a great". The truth of God Almighty.   How prayer for him (r): The Prophet (r): ((do not pray prayer Petra, Petra, what was said, O Messenger of Allah? He said: pray that Ali does not remember to)) ... must for every Muslim if mentioned (r) to say (God bless him and his family). If it wanted to prayer (r) says that (blessings of God to Muhammad and his family)). Of his (God bless him and his family): 1-B, B, parents in the Lord and the Lord's wrath in the wrath of the parents. 2. insults with a Muslim sensuality, and fighting Kafr, and the sanctity of his money as sacred as his blood. 3. uterus hanging throne says Pray to God than I received, and cut off from Qtni. 4. merchant Secretary Saduq with Martyrs Day of Resurrection. 5. improved to Pascm and repaired Rahalkm so you will be if you were in the mole people. 6. If one of you has his food came servant will suffice cured tobacco smoke and Vlijlsh with him, it did not sit with him Velinolh eaters or Oklten. 7. Fear of God in Aldaeven, the widow and the orphan boy women. 8. oppressed, fear though an infidel, it is not without her veil. 9. is not ashamed of people is not ashamed of God. 10. It is ruthless ruthless. 11. Creation are all children of God Vohabhm Onfhm him for his dependents. 12. no faith in those who do not have Secretariat, nor religion is not entrusted to him. 13. Tell the truth even to yourself? 14. Beware of bad spouse, you do know. 15. factor of people did not oppress, and told them not Akzbhm, and promised no successors, has complemented Mruth, featured fairness, and Ojpt brothers. Motivated: Mecca sent on 27 July after the forty-year-old Sharif reached. His teachings: came (r) equality between collection creation, and brothers, and amnesty who entered in Islam, then the age of the law impressive fair and legally received from God Almighty, and Muslims received from him. Miracles: Many can not afford to mention all but recall the greatest: First: the Koran, which was unable to Quraish and the Arabs all opposition and bring his ideals. Second: put Islamic law conforming to the wisdom and the approval of each era and anytime with being illiterate does not read Or write has arisen between the people are illiterate. There is nothing wrong by mentioning some of the other miracles Knbua water from between his fingers, and the satisfaction of a lot of little creatures intake, and the coming of the trees, and nostalgia trunk, and tell him Bamoibat. The matters of the unseen Tell them that they are as follows: Tell the Prophet, peace be upon him and his family many incidents that occurred after his death, including as saying (r) Ali peace be upon him, "You're fighting Nakthein after me (they are the people of Basra sentences), and Aalkasstin (who are rolling and the people of Syria in two rows), And renegades (they Kharijites Balnehruan). If Qatlk son mg. And tell him the name of Imam Hassan (AS) and Imam killed Hussein (AS) in Karbala. And saying (r) Woe kill Ammar Category transgressing invite them to paradise and they call to the fire, Ammar was killed in the battle of the two rows. And saying (r) to Fatima peace be upon her: "You are the first people to my house Haka me." And tell him the appearance of the Umayyad dynasty and the emergence of the state of Bani Abbas. Call: calling people in Mecca to monotheism secretly for three years, and invited them publicly for ten years. His emigration: emigrated from Mecca to Medina at the beginning of the first month of spring after 13 years of motivated, And that the intensity of the infidels hurt him and his companions. Wars and conquests: So Almighty Allah to the Prophet (r) to fight the polytheists and infidels and hypocrites, Fajad many battles with them the most prominent mention here: Badr a trench (parties) Khyber nostalgia. His wives: Khadijah girl Khuwaylid (God bless them) and his first wife that his victory herself and her money is better victories and honors God the birth of Fatima Zahra lady women of the world and make his descendants her and Imam Ali Bin Abi Taleb peace be upon them; the others They are: Soda girl Zama, girl my father and Aisha Bakr, and Gazan girl rivals (or partner), and Hafsa girl age, girl Abi Sufyan and Ramlet (Umm Habiba), Umm Salamah girl Abi illiteracy, and Zainab girl colt, and Zainab girl Khuzaymah, girl tiller and auspicious, girl tiller and Fatima, girl shy Ben descriptive preach . His children: they are: 1 Abdullah. 2 denominator. 3 Ibrahim (peace be upon them). 4 Fatima (peace be upon her). It was: Zainab paper and Umm Kulthum. Uncles: his nine uncles, who are the sons of Abdul-Muttalib: Harith al-Zubair Abu Hamza student Agheidaq Dirar Abu flame-denominated Abbas. Aunts: He has six of the mothers of various aunts They are: Oumayma or wise Libra Atkp descriptive Arwa. Guardians: Twelve and a trustee has been preached in their many conversations contained in all the books talk at all Muslims, especially the six teams Asahah, they are: 1 Omaralamaemien Ali (peace be upon him) 0.2-Hasan ibn Ali (peace be upon them) 0.3 Hussein bin Ali (peace be upon them) .4 Ali Bin Al Hussein (peace be upon them) 0.5 Mohammed bin Ali (peace be upon them) 0.6 Jaafar bin Mohammed (peace be upon them) 0.7 Musa Bin Jaafar (Peace be upon them) 0.8 Ali ibn Musa (peace be upon them) 0.9 Mohammed bin Ali (peace be upon them), 10 Ali bin Mohammed (peace be upon them) .11 Hassan bin Ali (peace be upon them) .12 argument ibn al-Hasan (pbuh). Calamity of his departure: Maan solution pilgrimage season of the tenth year of migration blessed, called the Seal of the Prophets (r) people to Hajj, and walked their meaning pilgrimage House of God, and after that they performed rituals and went to Arafa, stop Habibullah them orator, glorified God and praised him and said: "The After you people ... agnostic to Ali does not meet you after this years ... that your blood and your honor and money Shame on you like the sanctity of this day, Do not be reached? Oh God, bear witness ... O people, believers are brothers, but for a man who solves his brother's money, but willingly, do not you go back after me infidels hits one another necks of some, I have left in you once Thompsktm it will not go astray after me ever: the Book of Allah and Aatarta the people of my house, it Nbona gentle expert that they will not live apart, even IrDA Ali Alihud..oaha people your Lord is One, and your father and one of you Adam and Adam from the dust. " On the way back to the city the revelation of the Messenger of Allah (r): {O Prophet was sent down to you from your Lord, and if not, what was his message}, Fastoagaf Prophet people at Ghadeer Khum and stood on sticks erected to him, so that he sees all those present, and taking However, Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS), and Hamad God and praised him and then said: O people, is about to be called ... He got you people, God Moulay, Molly and I believe it is ... you are his master, then his master Ali, O God, and of Lallah and returned from desires, and grant victory to victory, and humiliate the let down, and turn right with him whatever house ... ", said Omar bin al-Khattab:" squirt squirt you Aaala, Moulay became sire every believer. " He returned Seal of the Prophets (r) to the city, and claimed the armies equipped for open, but fell ill, and intensified it, was soon moved to the vicinity of Barih, and was buried in the room that died there. Thus lost humanity death of Habibullah, figure filled the lower light and tender, peace of the seal of the prophets Habib Allah Muhammad and divine, the world and is still suffering from a disaster loss even his son shows and guardian twelfth Imam based Mahdi and preached in many conversations as well as other holy books , which will fill the earth with justice and equity after Mamlit injustice and oppression which is born and born Fatima Hussein as stated in frequent conversations. And peace be upon the Messenger of Allah Muhammad (SAW) was born on the day sent to guide mankind and died on the day she gives everyone alive and guidance to his followers and his family the good of divine blessings of Allah be on them all. Praise be to Allah.

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