Umar ibn al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him, he said: While we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him one day, as we boarded a severe man whiteness dresses, very dark hair, did not see the effect of travel, nor knows us one, even sat down to the Prophet sallallaahu God be upon him he assigned his knee to his knees, and explained his hands on his thighs, and said: "My Mamedokhberni Islam", he said to him (Islam is to testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and establish prayer and pay zakat, fasting Ramadan, and pilgrimage to the House that I was able to afford the expenses), said: "ratified", Fjbna him asking him and believe him, he said: "Tell me about faith," he said (that believe in God and His angels, His Books, His Messengers and the Last Day, and provide as much good and evil), said: "ratified", he said: " Then tell me about the charity, "he said (that God is worshiped like you see, were not you see, it sees you), he said:" Then tell me about time, "he said: (what Boalm charge of liquid), said:" Then tell me about its signs, "he said: (to give birth to the nation to her mistress, and to see the barefooted, naked, destitute teas, slander in architecture) then launched stayed yet carefully, and then said: (O Omar, do you know who the questioner was?), I said: "Allah and His Messenger know best," he said, (it Jibril Otakm teach you your religion) Narrated by Muslim.   Explanation   This talk a great extent, a large matter, mosque doors to all religion, the simplest method, explained the words, we do not find a description inclusive of this talk it is better than saying peace be upon him: (it Jibril, who came to teach you your religion).   The discussion dealt with in our hands the truths of religion three: Islam, faith, charity, these three mattresses very great; because God Almighty commented on happiness and misery in this world and the hereafter, and between the mattress and close association, Fdairh wider these circles Islam, followed by faith Valahassan circle, and thus each Mohsen believer, every believer Muslim, As shown above, you secret admonition of the Lord on those Bedouins who claimed for themselves the shrine of faith, which has been unable in their hearts after, God says in his book: {said Bedouins safe Say not believe but say Oslmna and what enters the faith in your hearts} (cabins: 14), which indicates that this faith specifically and narrower circle of Islam.   If we delve deeper into understanding the former mattress, we find that Islam is to worship God Almighty, including proceeded, and surrender him to obey him outwardly and inwardly, a religion that has blessed by God to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his nation, and make human religion are all to do time, and it does not accept from one else, and Islam pillars of five also came to talk, the first testimony that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and combine them in one corner a nice indication that worship is not and does not accept only two things: devotion to God Almighty, and follow-up Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, as stated in the verse: {it was hoping to meet his Lord 'let a good work does not involve the worship of his Lord anyone} (Cave: 110).   It is noticeable here that modern Islam is interpreted business phenomenon, because Islam and faith have met in one context, and then Islam explains the phenomenon as we pointed out the work, and explains the inner works of faith beliefs and actions of the heart.   The faith contains three things: recognition of the heart, and speaking with the tongue, and work Paljoarh and Staff, The recognition heart means to believe in his heart all of the about God, and His Messenger, peace be upon him from Shara al-Hakim, and delivers him and bow to him, so God praised the believers and called them by saying : {The believers are those who believe in Allah and His Messenger, and afterward doubt not} (cabins: 15), and corresponds to the hypocrisy, Valmnavqon Muslims apparently, come with the rituals of religion of Muslims, but they conceal in their hearts of infidelity and hatred of religion.  What is meant by stating the tongue is say prayers, is not enough to just acknowledge the existence of God, and the recognition of the prophethood of Muhammad, peace be upon him without having uttered a brief prayer, with evidence that the idolaters they acknowledge that God is the creator Razek mastermind, as Ezz said and majesty: {Say: Who provides for you from heaven and the earth, or who owns the hearing and sight and out the living from the dead and come out dead from the living, and manages it, they would say God} (Yunus: 31), but they refrained from saying the word of Tawheed, and scorn: {they were if they were told there is no god but Allah scornful} (Saaffat : 35), and her uncle Abu Talib is the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him was acknowledge the prophethood of his nephew, and defend him and support him, but he would say:                        We have learned that the religion of Mohammed of the best land we have religions                         Not to blame or insult to beware found myself noting allowed Bmak Did not help him, it did not get it out of the fire; because it did not accept that says the word of faith and the key to paradise, but this was the word is that exempt people's money, and injected into their blood. In the modern right: (ordered to fight the people until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad Messenger of Allah, establish prayer, and pay zakat, and if they did Asmoa me blood and money only to the right of Islam, and the self-employed on God) Agreed, scientists have agreed that those who did not speak certificates tongue with his ability, it is not considered inside in Islam.   The work under this belief, he is the cause of the greatest issues that anonymous people for their understanding, faith can not be achieved only by working, and the law is full of texts unequivocal function on the corner of work for the health of the faith, the Almighty said: {and say, We believe in Allah and the messenger, and we obey will then team them From then and those believers} (Light: 47) There is no doubt that leaving the religion of God's work of the greatest Administrating of obedience to God and obedience to His Messenger, peace be upon him.   Thus it is clear you astray from Stay away from the light of God, and leave work Bhariath, if advised him to pray or zakat protested to you that faith in the heart, and forgets that the work believe it or deny it - as Hasan al-Basri said may God have mercy on him - as if his faith is sincere to bequeathed work, and it resulted in the act, as it was said:                          Suits unless assess the evidence vaunted owners  If the faith, including those three things, required that increases and decreases, and the statement that: the recognition of the heart vary from one person to another, and from one state to another, there is no doubt that certain companions in their Lord is not like everyone else, but one person may pass it moments of strength certainty in God even like a see Heaven and Hell, has been punctuated by moments of weakness and chill Vijv certainty, as the cartoonist may Allah be pleased with him, said: "To be at the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him reminds us of the fire and paradise even if it's eye view, if we came out of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him Aafsn spouses and children and farms Vencena much, "Claudio Cordone heart if uneven, as well as the words and actions; it is not much mention of God like, and worked hard in worship, Daum and obedience, not like someone who ladle on the same sins and evil deeds.  The reasons for the increase are many faith, including: knowledge of the names of God and His attributes; if knowledge of the slave character of God "Seer" Stay away from disobedience to God, because he senses the control of God to him, and if he read in the book of Allah said: {Say: O King owner bear King of like and tend King who you like and Taiz wants to be humiliated at will hand the good you over all things} reassured his heart, and be pleased in God and worth, including: frequent mention of God; because food hearts, and strengthened souls, True to the verse: {remembrance of Allah do hearts} ( Thunder: 28), and means of increasing faith: consider the verses of God in the universe, and reflect on the creation, as he says: {In the earth are signs for an assured faith, and in yourselves, do you not see?} (Adh: 20-21), including: diligent in worship, and a lot of good deeds.  Turning to the modern - in our hands - arranged charity, which is the highest ranks of religion and Ocharfha, God has singled out people care, and supported them in victory, Ezz said and gel: {Allah is with those who fear and those who do good} (Nahl: 128), is meant charity here Binh may Prophet, peace be upon him in saying: (to worship God like you see, were not you see, it sees you), and this high degree no doubt, because they indicate the sincerity of its owner, Time and monitored to God Almighty.  Then Gabriel asked peace be upon him for time and markings, between the Prophet, peace be upon him it than God singled out his knowledge, one of the keys of the unseen which no one knows except God, but between something of its signs, he said: (to give birth to the nation to her mistress), means that women are Nation Vtld daughter, and this girl becoming a woman owns slaves, and this is a metaphor for the large number of slaves, has this happened in the first chest of the Islamic period, the second mark (and see the barefooted, naked, destitute teas, slander in architecture), which means that you see the poor who They are not indispensable to the people not to affect, may God open them Phippnon luxury homes, mansions and impressive.  We ask Almighty God to bless us with beneficial knowledge, and a good work receptive, and Praise be to Allah.

Теги других блогов: Islam charity faith Umar ibn al-Khattab